It’s a comedy that spoofs the genre to perfection. It is on this list because in its own way Shaun of the Dead is one of the best Zombie movies to have come out since….Forever.
9. The Night of the Living Dead
It is the original that started it all. Why so low on the list? Well even though it began the genre it comes off as cheep and socially irrelevant, focusing on the tensions between whites and African Americans. It’s a boring movie and if it wasn’t the first of its kind it wouldn’t have made it on the list at all.
8. Dawn of the Dead (the new one)
Dawn of the Dead is a remake of the 70’s classic of the same name. This gore and playfulness land it on this list. The movie has a few special features that borrow slightly from Rob Zombie’s attempt at a zombie flick, having the zombies be fast on their feet was a good movie. In the older films the only way to create tension in a zombie attack was to break one of the survivor’s ankle or a leg. This tool of suspense has become passé in recent years, so good on the re-makers Dawn of the Dead.
7. Omega Man
First off this is a zombie movie. No matter what some people might say, this film does fall under the category of zombie survival. Its just that the zombies are able to talk and throw spears. This movie is right up there with Charlton Heston’s other notably bleak future film, Soylent Green.
6. Resident Evil
Originally a popular video game title Resident Evil gave the audience exactly what they wanted to see from a game to movie crossover. In this universe zombies are not the result of some mysterious phenomenon as it is in so many other zombie movies. Instead the entire movie revolves around the attempts to contain/control the T virus. A man made virus that reanimates dead tissue, i.e. brings the dead to life. A less poetic or socially observant take than other film interpretations of what causes existence. One big corporation is to blame for the world turning into zombies, is easier to swallow than the second coming.
5. Dawn of the Dead (the original)
This 70’s cult classic is a great example of zombie movies taking a very political tone, taking aim at the buy and throwaway society. The zombies are a blue colour in this one and there are really only three actors throughout the how film. Note worthy moments in the film come in the form of outdated taboos which seem so out of place to a current moviegoer.
4. Evil Dead: Army of Darkness
A comedy zombie movie but classic none the less, taking place in medieval times, the star of the previous Evil Dead films makes a chainsaw handed boom stick wielding splash in this film. Battling an army of darkness seems to be a full time job for this guy, this being the third film in the franchise. That doesn’t make it any less enjoyable to the Bruce lover in all of us.
3. Evil Dead
The original which was supposed to be serious but ended up ridiculous should be on any zombie movie lovers’ shelf. Its bad props and cheesy acting make it cult favorite. Who knew that the director of this film would go on to direct one of the highest grossing films of all time? Sam Ramie we love you. If you haven’t seen this film before one scene might jump out at you when the woman that is playing Bruce’s sister is raped by a tree or something with branches. It’s weird. But weirdness is what makes it this zombie movie great.
2. 28 Days Later
28 Days Later tops this list with one of the scariest zombie movies to be made in years. It’s the most innovative zombie movie in years, disregarding the formula of the past Romero films and rip offs by creating an original story and style. With very dark themes (as if the end of the world wasn’t dark already) this film brought the scare back to the genre and that is why it is so good.
1. Day of the Dead.
George A. Remero’s greatest zombie movie takes place in Florida, sounds sunny right? Not if you are in an underground facility studying zombies. The movie almost is exclusively shot underground in a bomb shelter. The human residents’ of one of the last human safe spots have decided to bring some zombies down with them to befriend and study. Sounds strange, but this is the best example of a zombie movie, trapped underground with zombies that seem to be getting smarter. This is the first time we see ‘smart’ zombies in a movie in fact almost all of the elements from this movie are stolen… sorry incorporated into the first Resident Evil movie. An underground facility testing zombies, and so on it sounds familiar. The scenes where the ‘smart’ zombie that the scientists are studying shows off his ability to recognize what some objects are and what they do is both funny and interesting.
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